28. September 2010

We had a wild weekend with monkeys in the kitchen. Flo baked monkey muffins and these two were the last of the flock. Cute, right?

27. September 2010

The not so fun part of being an illustrator is getting contracts and then negotiate them. So usually reading through a contract, adding my notes, looking up the current, uninspiring laws etc. takes much time and is on my top5-list of things I don't like, well let's say »hate«. But today has been totally different! While reading a contract I stumbled upon this paragraph and had a laughing fit for several minutes (it says something like »Till the illustrations are delivered to the publisher the danger of a downfall (or sinking) of the illustrations remains with the illustrator, even when the downfall/sinking is accidental.). Oh, I HAD to sketch something about that…hach, thank you, dear legal department!
P.S. Sorry for being a bad blogger lately! I'm trying to improve that.

9. September 2010